
The most under represented demographic in The United States.


Current candidates:



Representation matters!
Register to vote, bring your cousins and elders to choose their leaders for Indigenous Vote 2020!

Globally Indigenous Peoples are under attack. Whether it’s our human and social rights or it’s the attack of our traditional homelands. In 2019 Indigenous Peoples Movement gathered in Washington DC as we united our voices from turtle island to Australia and every place in between that our ancestral prophecies will be fulfilled with the Indigenous Peoples March.

In May 2019 Indigenous Peoples Movement gathered over 200 people for our first annual conference to convene on the next steps of empowerment, education, organizing and how to fight for freedom, justice and equality more effectively together.

NOW IN 2020
The huge political fight is happening in America as potential candidates from various political parties run for the seat as President of the United States as well as other political positions. Where do Indigenous people stand in their platforms ?

Indigenous peoples movement coalition is gathering tribes, organizations, leaders, grassroots organizers, influencers and our communities to register our people (this includes ALL people of color) to vote so we can ensure that our voices and our rights matter. Help us spread the word and encourage people to Vote!

The indigenous vote, if done collectively, can be the pendulum swing humanity and mother earth have been waiting for. Who else can be so aligned with nature than the very people who have been practicing conscious consumerism for hundreds of years despite the attack on our people and their beliefs throughout history.